The New BeatBlog

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< All beats are by PhilJones, feel free to use in your own pieces, mixes, media presentations, whatever. (NB : though Beats are released on an AS IS basis. Can't guarantee that all samples are public domain. Use at your own risk. Sorry.)


> All beats are by PhilJones, feel free to use in your own pieces, mixes, media presentations, whatever. (NB : Beats are released on an AS IS basis. Can't guarantee that all samples are public domain. Use at your own risk. Sorry. )

Fresh beats (nearly) everyday.

[Beat0269] [mp3]

OK, so I skipped a couple of beats which I decided weren't very exciting. I may go back at some point.

This is a kinda dubby / reggae thing. I like the sense of lurching, collapsingness of it all.

[Comment on this beat. (I like feedback. The more I get, the more beats I put up.)]

[Beat0261] [mp3]

A gentle waterfall of light pattering drums. Then a heavy tread introduces a distorted ringing glass.

[Comment on this beat. (I like feedback. The more I get, the more beats I put up.)]

[Beat0260] [mp3]

"Heavy Tardis" riddim.

[Comment on this beat. (I like feedback. The more I get, the more beats I put up.)]

[Beat0259] [mp3]

A jolly spatter with single brooding, resonant guitar notes.

[Comment on this beat. (I like feedback. The more I get, the more beats I put up.)]

[Beat0258] [mp3]

Similar to Beat0257 with an electro hi-hat

[Comment on this beat. (I like feedback. The more I get, the more beats I put up.)]

[Beat0257] [mp3]

First of a couple of fast, basic rhythms. Building blocks for something else.

Quick burst of two-tone synth with a musty base.

[Comment on this beat. (I like feedback. The more I get, the more beats I put up.)]

All beats are by PhilJones, feel free to use in your own pieces, mixes, media presentations, whatever. (NB : Beats are released on an AS IS basis. Can't guarantee that all samples are public domain. Use at your own risk. Sorry. )
